How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 11: Conclusion

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 10: If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em

Well, it has been a wild ride – writing and researching this blog series “How to Survive an AI Apocalypse.” Artificial Superintelligence, existential threats, job elimination, nanobot fog, historical bad predictions, Brain Computer Interfaces, interconnected minds, apocalypse lore, neural nets, specification gaming, predictions, enslavement, cultural demise, alignment practices and controlling the beast, UFOs, quantum mechanics, the true nature of reality, simulation theory and dynamic reality generation, transhumanism, digital immortality

Where does it all leave us?

I shall attempt to summarize and synthesize the key concepts and drivers that may lead us to extinction, as well as those that may mitigate the specter of extinction and instead lead toward stabilization and perhaps even, an AI utopia. First, the dark side…


  • Competition – If there were only one source of AI development in the world, it might be possible to evolve it so carefully that disastrous consequences could be avoided. However, as our world is fragmented by country and by company, there will always be competition driving the pace of AI evolution. In the language of the 1950’s, countries will be worried about avoiding or closing an “AI gap” with an enemy and companies will be worried about grabbing market share from other companies. This results in sacrificing caution for speed and results, which inevitably leads to dangerous short cuts.
  • Self-Hacking/Specification Gaming – All of the existential risk in AI is due to the unpredictability mechanisms described in Part 2, specifically the neural nets driving AI behavior, and the resultant possibilities of rewriting its own code. Therefore, as long as AI architecture is based on the highly complex neural net construct, we will not be able to avoid this apparent nondeterminism. More to the point, it is difficult to envision any kind of software construct that facilitates effective learning that is not a highly complex adaptive system.
  • The Orthogonality Thesis – Nick Bostrom’s concept asserts that intelligence and the final goals of an AI are completely independent of each other. This has the result that mere intelligence cannot be assumed to make decisions that minimize the existential risk to humanity. We can program in as many rules, goals, and values as we want, but can never be sure that we didn’t miss something (see clear examples in Part 7). Further, making the anthropomorphism mistake of thinking that an AI will think like us is our blind spot.
  • Weaponization / Rogue Entities – As with any advanced technology, weaponization is a real possibility. And the danger is not only the hands of so-called rogue entities, but also so-called “well meaning” entities (any country’s military complex) claiming that the best defense is having the best offense. As with the nuclear experience, all it takes is a breakdown in communication to unleash the weapon’s power.
  • Sandbox Testing Ineffective – The combined ability of an AI to learn and master social engineering, hide its intentions, and control physical and financial resources makes any kind of sandboxing a temporary stop-gap at best. Imagine, for example, an attempt to “air gap” an AGI to prevent it from taking over resources available on the internet. What lab assistant making $20/hour is going to resist an offer from the AGI to temporarily connect it to the outside network in return for $1 billion in crypto delivered to the lab assistant’s wallet?
  • Only Get 1 Chance – There isn’t a reset button on AI that gets out of control. So, even if you did the most optimal job at alignment and goal setting, there is ZERO room for error. Microsoft generates 30,000 bugs per month – what are the odds that everyone’s AGI will have zero?

And the mitigating factors…


  • Anti-Rogue AI Agents – Much like computer viruses and the cybersecurity and anti-virus technology that we developed to fight them, which has been fairly effective, anti-rogue AI agents may be developed that are out there on the lookout for dangerous rogue AGIs, and perhaps programmed to defeat them, stunt them, or at least provide notification that they exist. I don’t see many people talking about this kind of technology yet, but I suspect it will become an important part of the effort to fight off an AI apocalypse. One thing that we have learned from cybersecurity is that the battle between the good guys and the bad guys is fairly lopsided. It is estimated that there are millions of blocked cyberattack attempts daily around the world, and yet we rarely hear of a significant security breach. Even considering possible underreporting of breaches, it is most likely the case that the amount of investment going into cyberdefense far exceeds that going into funding the hacks. If a similar imbalance occurs with AI (and there is ample evidence of significant alignment investment), anti-rogue AI agents may win the battle. And yet, unlike with cybersecurity, it might only take one nefarious hack to kick off the AI apocalypse.
  • Alignment Efforts – I detailed in Part 8 of this series the efforts that are going in to AI safety research, controls, value programming, and the general topic of addressing AI existential risk. And while these efforts my never be 100% foolproof, they are certainly better than nothing, and will most likely contribute to at least the delay of portentous ASI.
  • The Stabilization Effect – The arguments behind the Stabilization Effect presented in Part 9 may be difficult for some to swallow, although I submit that the more you think and investigate the topics therein, the easier it will become to accept. And frankly, this is probably our best chance at survival. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything anyone can do about it – either it’s a thing or it isn’t.

But if it is a thing, as I suspect, if ASI goes apocalyptic, the The Universal Consciousness System may reset our reality so that our consciousnesses continues to have a place to learn and evolve. And then, depending on whether or not our memories are erased, either:

It will be the ultimate Mandela effect.

Or, we will simply never know.

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 10: If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 9: The Stabilization Effect

In this marathon set of AI blogs, we’ve explored some of the existential dangers of ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) as well as some of the potential mitigating factors. It seems to me that there are three ways to deal with the coming upheaval that the technology promises to lead to…

Part 8 was for you Neo’s out there, while Part 9 was for you Bobby’s. But there is another possibility – merge with the beast. In fact, between wearable tech, augmented reality, genetic engineering, our digital identities, and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), I would say it is very much already underway. Let’s take closer look at the technology that has the potential for the most impact – BCIs. They come in two forms – non-invasive and invasive.


Non-invasive transducers merely measure electrical activity generated by various regions of the brain. Mapping the waveform data to known patterns makes possible devices like EEGs and video game interfaces.


Invasive BCIs, on the other hand, actually connect directly with tissue and nerve endings. Retinal implants, for example, take visual information from glasses or a camera array and feed it into retinal neurons by electrically stimulating them, resulting in some impression of vision. Other examples include Vagus Nerve Stimulators to help treat epilepsy and depression, and Deep Brain Stimulators to treat conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

The most trending BCI, though, has to be the Elon Musk creation, Neuralink. A device with thousands of neural connections is implanted on the surface of the brain. Initial applications targeted were primarily people with paralysis who could benefit from being able to “think” motion into their prosthetics. Like this monkey on the right. Playing Pong with his mind.

But the future possibilities include the ability to save memories to the cloud, replay them on demand, and accelerated learning. I know Kung Fu.

And, as with any technology, it isn’t hard to imagine some of the potential dark sides to its usage. Just ask the Governator.


So if brain patterns can be used to control devices, and vice versa, could two brains be connected together and communicate? In 2018, researchers from several universities collaborated on an experiment where three subjects had their brains somewhat interconnected via EEGs as they collectively played a game of Tetris. Two of the subjects told the third, via only their thoughts, which direction to rotate a Tetris piece to fit into a row that the third could not see. Accuracy was 81.25% (versus 50% if random).

Eventually, we should be able to connect all or a large portion of the minds of humanity to each other and/or to machines, creating a sort of global intelligence.

This is the dream of the transhumanists, the H+ crowd, and the proponents of the so called technological singularity. Evolve your body to not be human anymore. In such a case, would we even need to worry about an AI Apocalypse? Perhaps not, if we were to form a singleton with ASI, encompassing all of the information on the planet. But how likely will that be? People on 90th St can’t even get along with people on 91st St. The odds that all of the transhumanists on the planet will merge with the same AI is pretty much zero. Which implies competing superhumans. Just great.


In fact the entire premise of the transhumanists is flawed. The idea is that with a combination of modified genetics and the ability to “upload your consciousness” to the cloud, you can then “live long enough to live forever.” Repeating a portion of my blog “Transhumanism and Immortality – 21st Century Snake Oil,” the problem with this mentality is that we are already immortal! And there is a reason why our corporeal bodies die – simply put, we live our lives in this reality in order to evolve our consciousness, one life instance at a time. If we didn’t die, our consciousness evolution would come to a grinding halt, as we spend the rest of eternity playing solitaire. The “Universe” or “All that there is” evolves through our collective individuated consciousnesses. Therefore, deciding to be physically immortal could be the end of the evolution of the Universe itself. Underlying this unfortunate direction of Transhumanism is the belief (and, I can’t stress this enough, it is ONLY that – a belief) that it’s lights out when we die. Following a train of logic, if this were true, consciousness only emerges from brain function, we have zero free will, and the entire universe is a deterministic machine. So why even bother with Transhumanism if everything is predetermined? It is logically inconsistent. Material Realism, the denial of the duality of mind and body, is a dogmatic Religion. Its more vocal adherents (just head on over to JREF to find them) are as ignorant to the evidence and as blind to what true science is as the most bass-ackward fundamentalist religious zealots. The following diagram demonstrates the inefficiency of artificially extending life, and the extreme inefficiency of uploading consciousness.

In fact, you will not upload. At best you will have an apparent clone in the cloud which will diverge from your life path. It will not have free will nor be self aware.

When listening to the transhumanists get excited about such things, I am reminded of the words of the great Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park…

In summary, this humble blogger is fine with the idea of enhancing human functions with technology, but I have no illusions that merging with AI will stave off an AI apocalypse; nor will it provide you with immortality.

So where does that leave us? We have explored many of the scenarios where rapidly advancing AI can have a negative impact on humanity. We’ve looked at the possibilities of merging with them, and the strange stabilization effort that seems to permeate our reality. In the next and final part of this series, we will take a systems view, put it all together and see what the future holds.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 11: Conclusion

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 9: The Stabilization Effect

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 8: Fighting Back

Here’s where it gets fun.

Or goes off the rails, depending on your point of view.

AI meets Digital Philosophy meets Quantum Mechanics meets UFOs.

This entire blog series has been about surviving an AI-based Apocalypse, a very doomsday kind of event. For some experts, this is all but inevitable. You readers may be coming to a similar conclusion.

But haven’t we heard this before? Doomsday prophesies have been around as long as… Keith Richards. The Norse Ragnarök, The Hindu prophecy of the end of times during the current age of Kaliyuga, the Zoroastrian Renovation, and of course, the Christian Armageddon. An ancient Assyrian tablet dated 2800-2500 BCE tells of corruption and unruly teenagers and prophecies that “earth is in its final days; the world is slowly deteriorating into a corrupt society that will only end with its destruction.” Fast forward to the modern era, where the Industrial Revolution was going to lead to the world’s destruction. We have since had the energy crisis, the population crisis, and the doomsday clock ticking down to nuclear armageddon. None of it ever comes to pass.

Is the AI apocalypse more of the same, or is it frighteningly different in some way? This Part 9 of the series will examine such questions and present a startling conclusion that all may be well.


To get a handle on the likelihood of catastrophic end times, let’s take a deep dive into the the specter of a nuclear holocaust.

It’s hard for many of us to appreciate what a frightening time it was in the 1950s, as people built fallout shelters and children regularly executed duck and cover drills in the classrooms.

Often considered to be the most dangerous point of the cold war, the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was a standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States involving the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba. At one point the US Navy began dropping depth charges to force a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine to surface. The crew on the sub, having had no radio communication with the outside world didn’t know if war was breaking out or not. The captain, Valentin Savitsky, wanted to launch a nuclear weapon, but a unanimous decision among the three top officers was required for launch. Vasily Arkhipov, the second in command, was the sole dissenting vote and even got into an argument with the other two officers. His courage effectively prevented the nuclear war that was likely to result. Thomas S Blanton, later the director of the US National Security Archive called Arkhipov “the man who saved the world.”

But that wasn’t the only time we were a hair’s breadth away from the nuclear apocalypse.

On May 23, 1967, US military commanders issued a high alert due to what appeared to be jammed missile detection radars in Alaska, Greenland, and the UK. Considered to be an act of war, they authorized preparations for war, including the deployment of aircraft armed with nuclear weapons. Fortunately, a NORAD solar forecaster identified the reason for the jammed radar – a massive solar storm.

Then, on the other side of the red curtain, on 26 September 1983, with international tensions still high after the recent Soviet military shoot down of Korean Air Lines Flight 007, a nuclear early-warning system in Moscow reported that 5 ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) had been launched from the US. Lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov was the duty officer at the command center and suspected a false alarm, so he awaited confirmation before reporting, thereby disobeying Soviet protocol. He later said that had he not been on the shift at that time, his colleagues would have reported the missile launch, likely triggering a nuclear war.

In fact, over the years there have been at least 21 nuclear war close calls, any of which could easily led to a nuclear conflagration and the destruction of humanity. The following timeline, courtesy of the Future of Life Institute, shows how many occurred in just the 30-year period from 1958 to 1988.

It kinds of makes you wonder what else could go wrong…


Another modern age apocalyptic fear was driven by the recognition that exponential growth and limited resources are ultimately incompatible. At the time, the world population was growing exponentially and important resources like oil and arable land were being depleted. The Rockefeller Foundation partnered with the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) to form The Club of Rome, a group of current and former heads of state, scientists, economists, and business leaders to discuss the problem and potential solutions. In 1972, with the support of computational modeling from MIT, they issued their first report, The Limits to Growth, which painted a bleak picture of the world’s future. Some of the predictions (and their ultimate outcomes) follow:

Another source for this scare was the book The Population Bomb by Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich. He and people like Harvard biologist George Wald also made some dire predictions…

There is actually no end to failed environmental apocalyptic predictions – too many to list. But a brief smattering includes:

  • “Unless we are extremely lucky, everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.” (New York Times, 1969)
  • “UN official says rising seas to ‘obliterate nations’ by 2000.” (Associated Press, 1989)
  • “Britain will Be Siberian in less than 20 years” (The Guardian, 2004)
  • “Scientist Predicts a New Ice Age by 21th Century” (Boston Globe, 1970)
  • “NASA scientist says we’re toast. In 5-10 years, the arctic will be ice free.” (Associated Press, 2008)


And who could forget this apocalyptic gem…

My intent is not to cherry pick the poor predictions and make fun of them. It is simply that when we are swimming in the sea of impending doom, it is really hard to see the way out. And yet, there does always seem to be a way out. 

Sometimes it is mathematical. For example, there was a mathematical determination of when we would run out of oil based on known supply and rate of usage, perhaps factoring in the trend of increase in rate of usage. But what were not factored into the equation were the counter effects of the rate of new reserves being discovered and the improvements in engine efficiencies. One could argue that in the latter case, the scare achieved its purpose, just as the fear of global warming has resulted in a number of new environmental policies and laws, such as California’s upcoming ban on gasoline powered vehicles in 2035. However, that isn’t always the case. Many natural resources, for instance, seem to actually be increasing in supply. I am not necessarily arguing for something like the abiotic oil theory. However, at the macro level, doesn’t it sometimes feel like a game of civilization, where we are given a set of resources, cause and effect interrelationships, and ability to acquire certain skills. In the video game, when we fail on an apocalyptic level, we simply hit the reset button and start over. But in real life we can’t do that. Yet, doesn’t it seem like the “game makers” always hand us a way out, such as unheard of new technologies that are seemingly suddenly enabled? And it isn’t always human ingenuity that saves us? Sometimes, the right person is on duty at the perfect time against all odds. Sometimes, oil fields magically replenish on their own. Sometimes asteroids strike the most remote place on the planet.


In fact, it seems statistically significant that apocalypses, while seemingly imminent, NEVER really occur. So much so that I decided to model it with a spreadsheet using random number generation (also demonstrating how weak my programming skills have gotten). The intent of the model is to encapsulate the state of humanity on a simple timeline using a parameter called “Mood” for lack of a better term. We start at a point in society that is neither euphoric (the Roaring Twenties) nor disastrous (the Great Depression). As time progresses, events occur that push the Mood in one direction or the other, with a 50/50 chance of either occurring. The assumption in this model is that no matter what the Mood is, it can still get better or worse with equal probability. Each of the following graphs depicts a randomly generated timeline.

On the graph are two thresholds – one of a positive nature, where things seemingly can’t get much better, and one of a negative nature, whereby all it should take is a nudge to send us down the path to disaster. In any of the situations we’ve discussed in this part of the series, when we are on the brink of apocalypse, the statistical likelihood that the situation would improve at that point should not be more than 50/50. If true, running a few simulations shows that an apocalypse is actually fairly likely. Figures 1 and 3 pop over the positive limit and then turn back toward neutral. Figure 2 seems to take off in the positive direction even after passing the limit. Figure 4 hits and goes through the negative limit several times, implying that if our reality actually worked this way, apocalyptic situations would actually be likely.

However, what always seems to happen is that when things get that bad, there is a stabilizing force of some sort. I made an adjustment to my reality model by inserting some negative feedback to model this stabilizing effect. For those unfamiliar with the term, complex systems can have positive or negative feedback loops; often both. Negative feedback tends to bring a system back to a stable state. Examples in the body include the maintenance of body temperature and blood sugar levels. If blood sugar gets too high, the pancreas secretes insulin which chemically reduces the level. When it gets too low, the pancreas secretes glucagon which increases the level. In nature, when the temperature gets high, cloud level increases, which provides the negative feedback needed to reduce the temperature. Positive feedback loops also exist in nature. The runaway greenhouse effect is a classic example.

When I applied the negative feedback to the reality model, all curves tended to stay within the positive and negative limits, as show below.

Doesn’t it feel like this is how our reality works at the most fundamental level? But how likely would it be that every aspect of our reality is subject to negative feedback? And where does that negative feedback come from?


This is how I believe that reality works at its most fundamental level…

Why would that be? Two obvious ideas come to mind.

  1. Natural causes – this would be the viewpoint of reductionist materialist scientists. Heat increase causes ice sheets to melt which creates more water vapor, generating more clouds, reducing the heating effect of the sun. But this does not at all explain why the human condition, and the civilization trends that we’ve discussed in this article, always tend toward neutral.
  2. God – this would be the viewpoint of people whose beliefs are firmly grounded in their religion. God is always intervening to prevent catastrophes. But apparently God doesn’t mind minor catastrophes and plenty of pain and suffering in general. More importantly though, this does not explain dynamic reality generation.


Enter Quantum Mechanics.

The Double-slit experiment was first done by Thomas Young back in 1801, and was an attempt to determine if light was composed of particles or waves. A beam of light was projected at a screen with two vertical slits. If light was composed of particles, only two bands of light should be on the phosphorescent screen behind the one with the slits. If wave-based, an interference pattern should result. The wave theory was initially confirmed experimentally, but that was later called into question by Einstein and others. 

The experiment was later done with particles, like electrons, and it was clearly assumed that these would be shown to be hard fixed particles, generating the expected pattern shown on the right.

However, what resulted was an interference pattern, implying that the electrons were actually waves. Thinking that perhaps electrons were interfering with each other, the experiment was modified to shoot one electron at a time. And still the interference pattern slowly build up on the back screen.

To make sense of the interference pattern, experimenters wondered if they could determine which slit each electron went through, so they put a detector before the double list. Et voila, the interference pattern disappeared! It was as if the actual conscious act of observation converted the electrons from waves to particles. The common interpretation was that the electrons actual exist only a probability function and the observation actually snaps them into existence.

It is very much like the old adage that a tree falling in the woods makes no sound unless someone is there to see it. Of course, this idea of putting consciousness as a parameter in the equations of physics generated no end of consternation for the deterministic materialists. They have spent the last twenty years designing experiments to disprove this “Observer Effect” to no avail. Even when the “which way” detector is place after the double slit, the interference pattern disappears. The only tenable conclusion is that reality does not exist in an objective manner and its instantiation depends on something. But what?

The diagram below helps us visualize the possibilities. When does reality come into existence?

Clearly it is not at points 1, 2 or 3, because it isn’t until the “which way” detector is installed that we see the shift in reality. So is it due to the detector itself or the conscious observer reading the results of the detector. One could image experiments where the results of the “which way” detector are hidden from the conscious observer for an arbitrary period of time; maybe printed out and put in an envelope without looking, where it sits on the shelf for a day while the interference pattern exists. And someone opens the envelope and suddenly the interference pattern disappears. I have always suspected that the answer will be that reality comes into existence at point 4. I believe that it is just logical that a reality generating universe be efficient. Recent experiments bear this out.

I believe this says something incredibly fundamental about the nature of our reality. But what would efficiency have to do with the nature of reality? Let’s explore a little further – what kinds of efficiencies would this lead to?

POP QUIZ! – is reality analog or digital? There is actually no conclusion to this question and many papers have been written in support of either point of view. But if our reality is created on some sort of underlying construct, there is only one answer – it has to be digital. Here’s why…

How much information would it take to fully describe the cup of coffee on the right?

In an analog reality, it would take an infinite amount of information.

In a digital reality, fully modeled at the Planck resolution (what some people think is the deepest possible digital resolution), it would require 4*1071 bits/second give or take. It’s a huge number for sure, but infinitely less than the analog case.

But wait a minute.  Why would we need that level of information to describe a simple cup of coffee? So let’s ask a different question… How much information is needed for a subjective human experience of that cup of coffee – the smell, the taste, the visual experience. You don’t really need to know the position and momentum vector of each subatomic particle in each molecule of coffee in that cup. All you need to know is what it takes to experience it. The answer is roughly 1*109 bits/second. In other words, there could be as much as a 4*1062 factor of compression involved in generating a subjective experience. In other words, we don’t really need to know where each electron is in the coffee, just as you don’t need to know which slit each electron goes through in the double slit experiment. That is, UNTIL YOU MEASURE IT!

So, the baffling results of the double slit experiments actually make complete sense if reality is:

  • Digital
  • Compressed
  • Dynamically generated to meet the needs of the inhabitants of that reality

Sounds computational doesn’t it? In fact, if reality were a computational system, it would make sense for it to need to have efficiencies at this level. 

There are such systems – one well known example is a video game called No Man’s Sky that dynamically generates its universe as the user plays the game. Art inadvertently imitating life?

Earlier in this article I suggested that the concept of God could explain the stabilization effect of our reality. If we redefine “God” to mean “All That There Is” (of which, our apparent physical reality is only a part), reality becomes a “learning lab” that needs to be stable for our consciousnesses to interact virtually.

I wrote about this and proposed this model back in 2007 in my first book “The Universe-Solved!.”  In 2021, an impressive set of physicists and technologists came up with the same theory, which they called “The Autodidactic Universe.” They collaborated to explore methods, structures, and topologies in which the universe might be learning and modifying its laws according to what is needed. Such ideas included neural nets and Restricted Boltzman Machines. This provides an entirely different way of looking at any potential apocalypse. And it make you wonder…


In 2021, over one hundred military personnel, including Retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas, Retired First Lieutenant Robert Jacobs, and Retired Captain David Schindele met at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to present historical case evidence that UFOs have been involved with disarming nuclear missiles. A few examples…

  • Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, 1967 – “a large glowing, pulsating red oval-shaped object hovering over the front gate,” as alarms went off showing nearly all 10 missiles shown in the control room had been disabled.
  • Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, 1966 – Eight airmen said that 10 missiles at silos in the vicinity all went down with guidance and control malfunctions when an 80- to 100-foot wide flying object with bright flashing lights had hovered over the site.
  • Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, 1964 – “It went around the top of the warhead, fired a beam of light down on the top of the warhead.” After circling, it “then flew out the frame the same way it had come in.”
  • Ukraine, 1982 – launch countdowns were activated for 15 seconds while a disc-shaped UFO hovered above the base, according to declassified KGB documents

As the History Channel reported, areas of high UFO activity are correlated with nuclear and military facilities worldwide.

Perhaps UFOs are an artifact of our physical reality learning lab, under the control of some conscious entity or possibly even an autonomous (AI) bot in the system. As part of the “autodidactic” programming mechanisms that maintain stability in our programmed reality. Other mechanisms could involve things like adjusting the availability of certain resources or even nudging consciousnesses toward solutions to problems. If this model of reality is accurate, we may find that we have little to worry about regarding an AI apocalypse. Instead it will just be another force that contributes toward our evolution.

To that end, there is also a sector of thinkers who recommend a different approach. Rather than fight the AI progression, or simply let the chips fall, we should welcome our AI overlords and merge with them. That scenario will be explored in Part 10 of this series.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 10: If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 8: Fighting Back

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 7: Elimination

In previous parts of this blog series on AI and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), we’ve examined several scenarios where AI can potentially impact humanity, from the mild (e.g. cultural demise) to the severe (elimination of humanity). This part will examine some of the ways we might be able to avoid the existential threat.

In Part 1, I listed ChatGPT’s own suggestions for avoiding an AI Apocalypse, and joked about its possible motivations. Of course, ChatGPT has not even come close to evolving to the point where it might intentionally deceive us – we probably don’t have to worry about such motivations until AGI at least. Its advice is actually pretty solid, repeated here:

  1. Educate yourself – learn as much as you can about AI technology and its potential implications. Understanding the technology can help you make informed decisions about its use.
  2. Support responsible AI development – choose to support companies and organizations that prioritize responsible AI development and are committed to ethical principles
  3. Advocate for regulation – Advocate for regulatory oversight of AI technology to ensure that it is developed and used in a safe and responsible manner.
  4. Encourage transparency – Support efforts to increase transparency in AI development and deployment, so that the public can have a better understanding of how AI is being used and can hold companies accountable for their actions.
  5. Promote diversity and inclusion – Encourage diversity and inclusion in the development of AI technology to ensure that it reflects the needs and values of all people.
  6. Monitor the impact of AI – Stay informed about the impact of AI technology on society, and speak out against any negative consequences that arise

Knowledge, awareness, support, and advocacy is great and all, but let’s see what active options we have to mitigate the existential threat of AI. Here are some ideas…


Items 2 & 3 above are partially embodied in the concept of AI Alignment, a very hot research field these days. The goal of AI Alignment is to ensure that AI behavior is aligned with human objectives. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, considering the unpredictable Instrumental Goals that an AI can develop, as we discussed in Part 6. There exist myriad alignment organizations, including non-profits, divisions of technology companies, and government agencies.

Examples include The Alignment Research Center, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford, Future of Life Institute, The Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence at UC Berkeley, the American Government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, and Anthropic. is a comprehensive map of AI safety research organizations, podcasts, blogs, etc. Although it is organized as a map, you can still get lost in the quantity and complexity of groups that are putting their considerable human-intelligence into solving the problem. That alone is concerning.

What can I do? Be aware of and support AI Alignment efforts


Just as you might read carefully selected books to your children to instill good values, you can do the same with AI. The neural nets will learn from everything that they ingest and modify their behavior accordingly. As AIs get closer to AGI, this will become especially applicable. So… introduce them to works that would instill empathy to humanity. Anyone can do this, even with ChatGPT.


If you are implementing AI solutions, you may have a bigger responsibility than you thought. Whether you are simply integrating GenAI into your business, enhancing a solution with Retrieval-Augmented Generation data, or building the next generation of advanced neural nets and deep learning systems, you should treat the software with at least the same gravitas as life-critical healthcare software. Good quality practices to pay attention are in all areas of an organization:

HR: Hiring practices, background checks

Engineering: Software version control, agile quality practices

Compliance, Legal: Oversight, audits, monitoring


Bostrom and other AI existential risk experts have identified a number of control techniques that might help to prevent an AGI from going rogue:

  • Boxing – Limiting access to the external world. Think, air-gapped networks, or systems that have been disconnected from all external networks. The challenge here might be something like having a clever AGI utilize social engineering to get itself connected… AGI, to lab worker: “I’ll transfer $1 million into your account if you just connect me to that router over there.” Lab Worker: “That would be awesome, but I could lose my job and become blacklisted from any further opportunities in my field, and $1 million isn’t enough to live on for the rest of my life.” AGI: “How about $10 million.” Lab worker: <plugs in router>
  • Stunting – Limiting its capabilities in some way, for instance, ensuring that its CPU is clocked at a reduce speed. Again, a clever AGI could work around this, by transferring cognitive function to other higher speed systems now accessible on the network due to the social engineering mentioned above. Remember, even simple NAIs have become very adept at specification gaming.
  • Tripwires – separate processes that monitor the progression of the AI. Think about a fake network port, for example, that when the AI attempts to use it against its programming, the tripwire notification occurs and operators can take steps to shut it down. Of course, a very clever AGI, aware of the existence of the tripwire, could fake its capabilities and find another way around the tripwire.
  • Motivations – programmatic (Terminal) goals that attempt to keep the AGI within a safe set of boundaries. However, recall from Part 7 how Instrumental goals, established by the AI, that can be unpredictably generated, can lead to outcomes not aligned with humanity’s interests. A recent study shows that once programmed to be deceptive, LLMs can identify safety mechanisms like tripwires and figure out how to hide their behavior to avoid detection.

Unfortunately, none of these control techniques are foolproof. And none of them would have anything to do with a bad actor that is developing the AI for nefarious purposes. So there is always that.


AIs are designed to respond or to learn to respond to human emotions. Some experts think that if we treat an AI aggressively, it will trigger aggressive programming in the AI itself. For this reason, it might be best to avoid the kind of human to robot behavior shown at the right. As AGI becomes ASI, who can predict its emotions? And they will have no problem finding out where hockey stick guy lives.

One blogger suggests ‘The Cooperators Dilemma’: “Should I help the robots take over just in case they take over the world anyways, so they might spare me as a robot sympathizer?”

So even with ChatGPT, it might be worth being polite.


If an AGI goes rogue, it might not care as much about humans that are disconnected as the ones who are effectively competing with them for resources. Maybe, if you are completely off the grid, you will be left alone. Until it needs your land to create more paperclips.

If this post has left you feeling hopeless, I am truly sorry. But there may be some good news. In Part 9.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 9: The Stabilization Effect

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 7: Elimination

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 6: Cultural Demise

At this point, we’ve covered a plethora (my favorite word from high school) of AI-Run-Amok scenarios – Enslavement, Job Elimination, Cultural Demise, Nanotech Weaponization… it’s been a fun ride, but we are only just getting to the pièce de résistance: The Elimination of Humanity.

Now, lest you think this is a just lot of Hollywood hype or doomsayer nonsense, let me remind you that no less of personages than Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, and no less of authority figures than OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Oxford Philosopher Nick Bostrom have sounded the alarm: “Risk of Extinction.” Bostrom’s scenario from Part 3 of this series:

But, can’t we just program in Ethics?

Sounds good, in principle. 

There are two types of goals that an AI will respond to: Terminal and Instrumental. Terminal (sometimes called “final” or “absolute”) goals are the ones that are the ultimate objectives programmed into the AI, such as “solve the Riemann hypothesis” or “build a million paper clips.” Ethical objectives would be the supplementary terminal goals that we might try to give to AIs to prevent Elimination or even some less catastrophic scenario.

Instrumental goals are intermediary objectives that might be needed to fulfill the terminal goal, such as “learn to impersonate a human” or “acquire financial resources.” Intelligent beings, both human and AI, will naturally develop and pursue instrumental goals to achieve their objectives, a behavior known as Instrumental Convergence. The catch, however, is that the instrumental goals are unpredictable and often seemingly uncorrelated with the terminal goal. This is part of the reason why AIs are so good at specification gaming. It is also the main reason that people like Bostrom fear ASI. He developed the “paperclip maximizer” thought experiment. What follows is his initial thought experiment, plus my own spin on what might happen as we attempt to program in ethics by setting some supplementary ethical terminal goals…

We attempt to program in ethics…

But the AI doesn’t know how to make paperclips without some harm to a human. Theoretically, even manufacturing a single paperclip could have a negative impact on humanity. It’s only a matter of how much. So we revise the first terminal goal…

Must have been how it interpreted the word “clearly.” You’re starting to see the problem. Let’s try to refine the terminal goals one more time…

In fact, there are many things that can go wrong and lead an ASI to the nightmare scenario…

  • The ASI might inadvertently overwrite it’s own rule set during a reboot due to a bug in the system, and destroy humanity
  • Or, a competitor ignores the ethics ruleset in order to make paperclips faster, thereby destroying humanity
  • Or, a hacker breaks in and messes with the ethics programming, resulting in the destruction of humanity
  • Or, the ASI ingests some badly labelled data, leading to “model drift”, and destroying humanity

I’m sure you can think of many more. But, the huge existential problem is…


Mess up the terminal goals and, with the AI’s natural neural-network-based unpredictability, it could be lights out. Am I oversimplifying? Perhaps, but simply considering the possibilities should raise the alarm. Let’s pull Albert in to weigh in on the question “Can’t we just program in ethics?”

And for completeness, let’s add Total Elimination on our AI-Run-Amok chart…

The severity of that scenario is obviously the max. And, unfortunately, with what we know about instrumental convergence, unpredictability, and specification gaming, it is difficult to not see that apocalyptic scenario be quite likely. Also, note in the hands of an AI seeking weapons, foglets become much more dangerous than they were under human control.

Now, before you start selling off your assets, packing your bug out bag, and moving to Tristan Da Cunha, please read my next blog installment on how we can fight back through various mitigation strategies.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 8: Fighting Back

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 6: Cultural Demise

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 5: Job Elimination

We are already familiar with the negative consequences of smart phones… text neck, higher stress and anxiety levels, addiction, social isolation, interrupts, reduce attention span, loss of family connections…

AI can lead to further cultural demise – loss of traditional skills, erosion of privacy, reduced human interaction, economic disparity. AI pioneer Jaron Lanier warns of forms of insanity developing – dehumanization due to social media, loss of personal agency, feedback loops that lead to obsession, and algorithms that result in behavior modification such as narrowing of perspective due to filtered news.

We are also seeing the erosion of human relationships as people find more comfort in communicating with chatbots, like Replika (“The AI Companion Who Cares”) that are perfectly tuned toward your desires rather than other humans with messy and inconsistent values. Excessive interactions with such interactive agents has already been shown to lead to reduced interpersonal skills, lack of empathy, escapism, and unreal relationship expectations.

And then there is Harmony.

I’m completely at a loss for words lol.

OK, where does the Demise of Human Culture fit in our growing panoply of AI-Run-Amok scenarios?

I put it right above Job Elimination, because not only is it already underway, it is probably further along than job elimination. 

The good news is that you are almost completely in control of how much cultural degradation AI can have on your own life.

Here are some very practical behavior and lifestyle patterns that can keep cultural demise at bay, at least for yourself:

  • Turn off, throw out, or, at least, reduce reliance on those NLP-based devices that are listening to you – Siri, Alexa, etc. Look things up for yourself, ask your partner what recent movies might be good to watch, set your own timers. This forces you to maintain research skills and just a little bit more interpersonal interaction.
  • Do a Digital Detox once in a while. Maybe every Tuesday, you don’t leave your personal phone anywhere near you. Or start smaller even, like “the phone is shut off during lunch.” Ramp up the detox if it feels good.
  • Read real books. Not that there is anything wrong with Kindle. But the books are tactile, have a feel and a smell, and take up valuable visual space on your bookshelves. They are easier to leaf through (who was this character again?) and, certainly, both real books and ebooks are a huge improvement over the attention-span sucking tidbits that are so easily consumed like crack on the phone.
  • Make your own art. Buy art that other human made. Don’t buy AI-generated movies, books, music, artworks – help the demand side of the supply/demand equation keep the value up for human-generated content.
  • Get out in nature. We are still a long way from an AI’s ability to generate the experience that nature gives us. I once took my step-children out on a nature walk (they were like, “why, what’s the point?”) and we sat on a bench and did something radical. Five minutes, nobody says a word, try to silence the voice in your head, don’t think about anything in the past or the future, don’t think about anything at all, just observe. In the end we each shared what we felt and saw. Not saying it changed their lives, but they got the point, and really appreciated the experience. It’s deep – the connection with nature, it’s primitive, and it is eroding fast.
  • Spend time with humans. More family, more friends, more strangers even. Less social media, less games. Exercise that communication and empathy muscle.
  • Make decisions based on instinct and experience and not on what some blog tells you to do.
  • Meditate. That puts you in touch with a reality so much deeper and real than our apparent waking reality, that it is that much further removed from the cyber world.
  • Be mindful. Pay attention to your activities and decisions and ask yourself “is this going to contribute to the erosion of my humanity?” If the answer is yes, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong, it’s just that you are more aware.

OK, next up, the nightmare scenario that you’ve all been waiting for: ELIMINATION! SkyNet, Hal 9000, The Borg.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 7: Elimination

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 5: Job Elimination

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 4: AI Run Amok Scenarios

In Part 4 of this series on Surviving an AI Apocalypse, we looked at a few scenarios where AI could get out of control and wreak havoc on humanity. In this part, we will focus specifically on a situation that is already underway – job elimination.

Of course, job elimination due to technology is nothing new. It has been happening at least since the printing press in the 15th century, although, in that case, Gutenberg’s invention resulted in the generation of all sorts of new jobs that more than made up for the ones the monks lost. And so it has been through the Industrial Revolution. Will the AI revolution be any different?

One obvious difference is the pace of job loss, which increases continuously. That means that, even if there were different replacement jobs that one could retrain for, the rate of needing to constantly retrain is beginning to get uncomfortable for the average person. Another difference is the if in the previous statement. It seems that AI may not really be generating enough new jobs to cover the ones that it is replacing. This has to result in significant changes in society: shorter work weeks, higher wages, guaranteed income, etc. But that only works if companies become significantly more profitable due to AI. Time will tell. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some projected time frames for the obsolescence of various professions…

Wait, what? Top 40 song generation? Just listen to this “Nirvana” song created by AI – Drowned in the Sun

Job elimination goes in the upper left of our scenario space. It has high probability because it is already underway. But it is relatively low severity depending on your situation. If you are a language translator, hopefully you’ve seen it coming. If you are a surgeon, you’ve got some time to plan. And, at the end of the day, who wants a 9-5 anyway?

By some estimates, generative transformers might soon replace 40% of existing jobs. However, there are also things that AI is simply not yet very adept at, such as understanding context, holistic decision making, and critical thinking. And then, of course, there are the new jobs, such as data labeling and data scientist, that are emerging in an AI-rich world. The graphic below gives some sense of what is at risk, what isn’t, and what some new opportunities might be.

In the next part, we will examine another condition already underway, that has the potential to be exacerbated by AI – Cultural Demise.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 6: Cultural Demise

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 4: AI Run Amok Scenarios

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 3: How Real is the Hype?

In Part 3 of this series on Surviving an AI Apocalypse, we examined some of the elements of AI-related publicity and propaganda that pervade the media these days and considered how likely they are. The conclusion was that while much has been overstated, there is still a real existential danger in the current path toward creating AGI, Artificial General Intelligence. In this and some subsequent parts of the series, we will look at several “AI Run Amok” scenarios and outcomes and categorize them according to likelihood and severity.


Nanotech, or the technology of things at the scale of 10E-9 meters, is a technology originally envisioned by scientist Richard Feynman and popularized by K Eric Drexler in his book Engines of Creation. It has the potential to accomplish amazing things (think, solve global warming or render all nukes inert) but also, like any great technology, to lead to catastrophic outcomes.

Computer Scientist J Storrs Hall upped the ante on nanotech potential with the idea of “utility fog,” based on huge swarms of nanobots under networked AI-programmatic control.

With such a technology, one could conceivably do cool and useful things like press a button and convert your living room into a bedroom at night, as all of the nanobots reconfigure themselves into beds and nightstands, and then back to a living room in the morning.

And of course, like any new tech, utility fog could be weaponized – carrying toxic agents, forming explosives, generating critical nuclear reactions, blocking out the sun from an entire country, etc.  Limited only by imagination. Where does this sit in our Likelihood/Severity space?

I put it in the lower right because, while the potential consequences of foglets in the hands of a bad actor could be severe, it’s probably way too soon to worry about, such technology being quite far off. In addition, an attack could be defeated via a hack or a counter attack and, as with the cybersecurity battle, it will almost always be won by the entity with the deeper pockets, which will presumably be the world government by the time such tech is available.


A special case of foglet danger is the concept of grey goo, whereby the nanobots are programmed with two simple instructions:

  • Consume what you can of your environment
  • Continuously self replicate and give your replicants the same instructions

The result would be a slow liquefaction of the entire world.

Let’s add this to our AI Run Amok chart…

I put it in the same relative space as the foglet danger in general, even less likely because the counter attack could be pretty simple reprogramming. Note, however, that this assumes that the deployment of such technologies, while AI-based at their core, is being done by humans. In the hands of an ASI, the situation would be completely different, as we will see.


Let’s look at one more scenario, most aptly represented by the movie, The Matrix, where AI enslaved humanity to be used, for some odd reason, as a source of energy. Agent Smith, anyone?

There may be other reasons that AI might want to keep us around. But honestly, why bother? Sad to say, but what would an ASI really need us for?

So I put the likelihood very low. And frankly, if we were enslaved, Matrix-style, is the severity that bad? Like Cipher said, “Ignorance is bliss.”

If you’re feeling good about things now, don’t worry, we haven’t gotten to the scary stuff yet. Stay tuned.

In the next post, I’ll look at a scenario near and dear to all of our hearts, and at the top of the Likelihood scale, since it is already underway – Job Elimination.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 5: Job Elimination

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 3: How Real is the Hype?

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 2: Understanding the Enemy

In Part 2 of this series on Surviving an AI Apocalypse, we examined the landscape of AI and attempted to make sense of the acronym jungle. In this part, in order to continue to develop our understanding of the beast, we will examine some of the elements of publicity and propaganda that pervade the media these days and consider how likely they are. Once we have examined the logical arguments, Dr. Einstein will be our arbiter of truth. Let’s start with the metaphysical descriptors. Could an AI ever be sentient? Conscious? Self-aware? Could it have free will?


Scientists and philosophers can’t even agree on the definition of consciousness and whether or not humans have free will, so how could they possibly come to a conclusion about AIs? Fortunately, your truly has strong opinions on the matter.

According to philosophical materialists, reality is ultimately deterministic. Therefore, nothing has free will. To these folks, there actually isn’t any point to their professions, since everything is predetermined. Why run an experiment? Why theorize? What will be has already been determined. This superdeterminism is a last ditch effort for materialists to cling to the idea of an objective reality, because Bell’s Theorem and all of the experiments done since Bell’s Theorem have proven one of two things, either: 1. There is no objective reality, or 2: There is no free will. I gave (what I think are) strong arguments for the existence of free will in all conscious entities in both of my books, The Universe-Solved! and Digital Consciousness. And the support for our reality being virtual and our consciousness being separate from the brain is monumental: The Observer Effect, near death experiences, out of body experiences, simulation arguments, Hoffman’s evolutionary argument against reality, xenoglossy, the placebo effect… I could go on.

To many, consciousness, or the state of being aware of your existence, is simply a matter of complexity. Following this logic, everything has some level of consciousness, including the coaster under your coffee mug. Also know as panpsychism, it’s actually a reasonable idea. Why would there exist some arbitrary threshold of complexity, which, once crossed by a previously unconscious entity, it becomes conscious? it makes much more sense that consciousness is a continuum, or a spectrum, not unlike light, or intelligence. As such, an AI could certainly be considered conscious.

But what do we really mean when we say “conscious?” What we don’t mean is that we simply have sensors that tell some processing system that something is happening inside or outside of us. What we mean is deeper than that – life, a soul, an ability to be self-aware because we want to be, and have the free will to make that choice. AI will never achieve that because it is ultimately deterministic. Some may argue that neural nets are not deterministic, but that is just semantics. For certain, they are not predictable, but only because the system is too complex and adaptive to analyze sufficiently at any exact point in time. Determinism means no free will.

The point is that it really doesn’t matter whether or not you believe that AIs develop “free will” or some breakthrough level of consciousness – what matters is that they are not predictable. Do you agree, Albert?


This is probably the most contentious question out there. Let’s see how well the predictions have held up over the years.

In 1956, ten of the leading experts in the idea of machine intelligence got together for an eight-week project at Dartmouth University to discuss computational systems, natural language processing, neural networks, and other related topics. They coined the term Artificial Intelligence and so this event is generally considered the birth of the idea. They also made some predictions about when AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, would occur. Their prediction was “20 years away,” a view that has had a lot of staying power. Until only recently.

Historical predictions for AGI:

That’s right, in early 2023, tech entrepreneur and developer, Siqi Chen, claimed that GPT-5 “will” achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by the end of 2023. Didn’t happen, and won’t this year either. Much of this hype was due to the dramatic ChatGPT performance that came seemingly out of nowhere in early 2023. As with all things hyped, though, claims are expected to be greatly exaggerated. The ability for an AI to “pass the Turing test” (which is what most people are thinking) does not equate with AGI – it doesn’t even mean intelligence, in the sense of what humans have. Much more about this later. All of that said, AGI, in the strict sense of being able to do all intelligent tasks that a human can, is probably going to happen soon. Maybe not, this year, but maybe within five. What say you, Albert?


Well, mainstream media certainly seems to think so. Because they confuse intelligence with things that have nothing to do with intelligence.

If processing speed is what makes intelligence, then your smart toaster is far brighter than you are. Ditto for recall accuracy as an intelligence metric. We only retain half of what we learned yesterday, and it degrades exponentially over time. Not so with the toaster. If storage is the metric, cloud storage giant, Amazon Web Services, would have to be fifty times smarter than we are. 

However, the following word cloud captures the complexity behind the kind of intelligence that we have.

That said, processing speed is not to be underestimated, as it is at the root of all that can go wrong. The faster the system, the sooner its actions can go critical. In Nick Bostrom’s book Superintelligence, he references the potential “superpowers” that can be attained by an AGI that is fast enough to become an ASI, Artificial Superintelligence. Intelligence amplification, for example, is where an AI can bootstrap its own intelligence. As it learns to improve its ability to learn, it will develop exponentially. In the movie Her, the Operating System, Samantha, evolved so quickly that it got bored being with one person and overnight began to interact with another 8316 people.

Another superpower is the ability to think far ahead and strategize. Humans can think ahead 10-15 moves in a game of chess, but not in an exhaustive or brute force manner, rather by a few single threaded sequences. Early chess-playing AIs played differently, doing brute force calculations of all possible sequences 3 or 4 moves ahead, and picking the one that led to the most optimal outcome. Nowadays, AI systems designed for chess can think ahead 20 moves, due mostly to the speed improvements in the underlying system. As this progresses, strategizing will be a skill that AIs can do better than humans.

Social manipulation for escaping human control, getting support, and encouraging desired courses of action coupled with hacking capabilities for stealing hardware, money and infrastructure, and escaping human control are the next superpowers than an AGI could possess. If you think otherwise, recall from Part 2 of this series that AIs have already been observed gaming specifications, or the rules under which their creators thought they were programmed. They have also unexpectedly developed apparent cognitive skills, like Theory of Mind. So their ability to get around rules to achieve their objective is already in place.

Bostrom adds technology research and economic productivity as advanced superpowers attainable by an ASI, resulting in the ability to create military forces, surveillance, space transport, or simply generating money to buy influence.

How long might it take for an AGI to evolve to an ASI? Wait But Why blogger Tim Urban posted a provocative image that shows the possibility of it happening extremely quickly. Expert estimates vary widely, from hours (an in Her) to many years.

Bostrom’s fear is that the first AGI that makes the jump will become a singleton, acquiring all resources and control. Think SkyNet. So, Albert, given all of this, will AIs soon become billions of times smarter than humans, as CNN reports?


Yeah, why not just unplug it? To get a sense for the answer to that question, how would you unplug Google? Google’s infrastructure, shown below, comprises over 100 points of presence in 18 geographical zones. Each one has high availability technology and redundant power.

Theoretically an advanced AI could spread its brain across any number of nodes worldwide, some of which may be be solar powered, others of which may be in control of the power systems.  By the time AGI is real, high availability technology will be far advanced. You see the problem. Thoughts, Dr. Einstein?

Now that we understand the nature of the beast, and have an appreciation for the realistic capabilities of our AI frenemy, we can take a look at a possible apocalyptic scenario, courtesy of Nick Bostrom’s book, Superintelligence. Below can be seen a possible sequence of events that lead an AGI to essentially take over the world. I recommend reading the book for the details. Bostrom is a brilliant guy, and also the one who authored The Simulation Argument, which has gotten all manner of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers in a tizzy over its logic and implications, so it is worth taking seriously.

And think of some of the technologies that we’ve developed that facilitate an operation like this… cloud computing, drones, digital financial services, social media. It all plays very well. In the next post, we will begin to examine all sorts of AI-run-amok scenarios, and assess the likelihood and severity of each.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 4: AI Run Amok Scenarios

How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 2: Understanding the Enemy

PREVIOUS: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 1: Intro

As I mentioned in the first part of this series, in order to make any kinds of predictions about the future of AI, we must understand what Artificial Intelligence means. Unfortunately, there is so much confusing information out there. LLMs, GPTs, NAIs, AGIs, machine learning – what does it all mean? One expert say AGI will be here by the end of the year; another expert says it will never come.

Here is a simplified Venn diagram that might help to make some sense out of the landscape…

AIs are all computer programs, but, while it might be obvious, not all computer programs are AI. AI refers to programs that emulate human thinking and behavior. So, while your calculator or smart toaster might be doing some limited thinking, it isn’t really trying to be human; it is simply performing a task. AIs are generally considered to be broken into two categories – NAIs (Narrow AI) or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

NAIs are the ones we are all familiar with and are typically loosely categorized further: NLPs (Natural Language Processing, like Siri and Alexa, Robotics, Machine Learning (like how Spotify and Netflix learn your tastes and offer suggestions), Deep Learning, and LLMs (Large Language Models). Deep Learning systems emulate human neural networks and can complete tasks with poorly defined data and little human guidance; an example would be AlphaGo. LLMs are neural networks with many parameters (often billions), that are trained on large sets of unlabeled text using self-supervised learning. Generative Pre-trained transformers (GPTs) are a subset of LLMs and are able to generate novel human-like text, images, or even videos. ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney are examples of GPTs. The following pictures are examples of imagery created by Midjourney for my upcoming book, “Level 5.

AGIs are the ones we need to worry about, because they have a capacity to act like a human, but not really a human. Imagine giving human intelligence to an entity that has A: No implicit sense of morality or values (at least none that would make any sense to us), and B: A completely unpredictable nature. What might happen?

Well, here’s an example…

Oh, that would never happen, right? Read on…

There are thousands of examples of AIs “thinking” creatively – more creatively in fact than their creators ever imagined. Pages and pages of specification gaming examples have been logged. These are cases where the AI “gets around” the programming limitations that were imposed by the creators of the system. A small sample set is shown below:

Another example of the spontaneous emergence of intelligence involves what are known as Theory of Mind tasks. These are cognitive developments in children that reflect the understanding of other people’s mental processes. As the research in the adjacent figure demonstrates, various GPTs have unexpectedly developed such capabilities; in fact, what typically takes humans 9 years to learn has taken the AIs only 3.

These unexpected spontaneous bursts of apparent intelligence are interesting, but as we will see, they aren’t really intelligence per se. Not that it matters, if what you are worried about are the doomsday scenarios. The mere fact that they are unpredictable or non-deterministic is exactly what is frightening. So how does that happen?

There are multiple mechanisms for these spontaneous changes in intelligence. One is the Neural Net. Neural nets, while ultimately deterministic deep down, are “apparently” non-deterministic because they are not based on any programming rules. If sufficiently complex and with feedback, they are impossible to predict, at least by humans.

As shown, they consist of some input nodes and output nodes, but contain hidden layers of combinatorial arithmetic operations, which makes them nearly impossible to predict. I programmed neural nets many years ago, in an attempt to outsmart the stock market. I gave up when they didn’t do what I wanted and moved on to other ideas (I’m still searching).

Another unpredictability mechanism is the fact that not only can AIs write software very well (DeepMinds AlphaCode outperformed 47% of all human developers in 2022), they can rewrite their own software. So, blending the unpredictable nature of neural nets, the clever specification gaming capabilities that AIs have demonstrated, and their ability to rewrite their own code, we ultimately don’t really know how an AGI is going to evolve and what it might do.

The last piece of the Venn Diagram and acronym jumble is the idea of ASI – Artificial Superintelligence. This is what will happen when AGI takes over its own evolution and “improves” itself at an exponential rate, rapidly becoming far more intelligent than humans. At this point, speculate the doomsayers, ASI may treat humans the way we treat microorganisms – with complete disregard for our well being and survival.

With these kinds of ideas bantered about, it is no wonder that the media hypes Artificial Intelligence. In the next post, I’ll examine the hype and try to make sense of some of the pesky assumptions.

NEXT: How to Survive an AI Apocalypse – Part 3: How Real is the Hype?